group representation

美 [ɡruːp ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn]英 [ɡruːp ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn]
  • 群组表示;群的表示
group representationgroup representation
  1. An application of the group representation theory in direct product network


  2. A Study of Irreducible Tensor Basis Method in Group Representation Theory


  3. An important inverse example in group representation


  4. Lie Group Representation of Robot Dynamics and Its Applications


  5. Application of group representation theory in h_2 / h_ ∞ control of symmetric systems


  6. The SO ( 4 ) group representation for the symmetry of hydrogen atomic system


  7. In this paper , the irreducible tensor basis method in group representation theory is studied further .


  8. Group Representation of Euler Kinematic Equation in Fixed-point Motion of Rigid Body


  9. Group Representation for the Wideband Ambiguity Functions and Its Reformulation by Wavelet Transform


  10. The calculation of characters of group representation is the basis of studying the irreducible representation of groups .


  11. The characteristic of group representation was found in the genotypic distribution of the cases and the controls with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test .


  12. Physical method of group representation theory (ⅱ) the quasi-standard bases of permutation group and the Gelfand bases of unitary group


  13. Functional analysis , group representation theory is another major development in nuclear structure , elementary parti-cle theory and other branches of mathematics have wider application .


  14. The study of the group representation character is switched to the study of the center of a group algebra and generators for the center of a group algebra .


  15. By using group representation theory , th quasi-adiabatic approximation solution of the schrodinger equation of a quantum system with slowly-changing Hamiltonian are presented in this paper .


  16. In the group representation user feedback scheme , users are grouped into several sub-groups based on their channel conditions . Each sub-group selects a representation user to return the feedback packets .


  17. A braid group representation associated with the 10 - dimensional representation of SU ( 4 ) is obtained and a spectral - dependent solution of Yang - Baxter equation is found .


  18. Based on the vibronic interaction and the resolution of group representation , the Jahn-Teller effect of clusters geometrical configurations is discussed and various electronic structures are analyzed . The results obtained is in fair agreement with the calculated results .


  19. With the elementary knowledge of coding , group representation and group action , we get some existent and un-existent conditions on the existence of self-dual permutation codes in the case that the group action is transitive .


  20. The concept of the direct product network is proposed using the group representation theory and tensor transformation . It is found from theoretical inference that the mutual influence of signals within a system can be eliminated by the application of the direct product network .


  21. The paper applies group representation theory to discuss the symmetrized ba - sis vectors of the four kinds of point group-Cn , Cnh , Cnv , Dnh and to find the generalized displacements associated with them .


  22. Large Nc Limit Baryon Emergent Symmetry Research Based on Lie Group Induced Representation Theory


  23. Group sparse representation employs the sparse prior information and the intrinsic structure of sparse signal , which surpasses the traditional sparse representation .


  24. Based on the theories of group and representation , this study was to examine the influence of cognitive interaction on the structural representation of concepts through designing different conditions of group cognition .


  25. Two Solutions on the Decomposition Matrix and Cartan Matrix of Group ′ s Representation


  26. In this paper , some properties of Lie Group and the adjoint representation of Lie Group are discussed .


  27. The Automorphism Group + Basic 4-coloring Representation of All 4-colorings


  28. In the contralateral C7 transfer group the median nerve representation region of the affected forelimb did not appear in bilateral MI at 3 months .


  29. Because the system has the Dn (?) Z2 symme-try , we could use Lie group to represent its symmetry and Lie group representation theory to explore the spatio-temporal pattern of the bifurcated periodic solutions from the trivial equilibrium .


  30. The work is devoted to eigenvalue problems associated with a class of variable coefficients selfadjoint operators & Kohn Laplace operator on Heisenberg group . One obtains some priori estimate for discrete eigenvalues of the problem by group representation and Fourier transformation theory on n dimensional Heisenberg group .
